It means, as a Christian you are "seeded" with a NEW VERSION OF YOU—with NEW DNA that is HEAVEN'S VERSION of YOU. (1 John 3:9). Another way of saying it is that you share in the Divine Nature of God
(2 Peter 1:4)
Why then, is it such a STRUGGLE for many of us Christians to live as victorious children of God?
I mean, if I plant a TOMATO plant, I should get TOMATOES, right?
If I'm a GOD-CHILD, I should LOOK, FEEL, and ACT like HIM . . . right?
Why doesn't that always happen?
The GOOD NEWS. The SEED WILL never, ever be taken away. IT'S PERMANENT. As a Christian, you'll eternally have God's DNA. You ARE in His FAMILY. He IS your Father. Period.
The REALITY IS . . . GARDENS are an interesting thing.
The Holy Spirit is our WATER. In John 7:38 & 39, Jesus said rivers of LIVING WATER would flow from our hearts—meaning, the Holy Spirit. We need the Spirit desperately, in order to thrive. The more we welcome Him, the more we'll be like God. It makes sense that His friendship should be our greatest drive, our greatest focus in life. We humans don't last long without water. Without the Holy Spirit, the SEED of our DNA will lay dormant and unchanged. A great book for knowing the Holy Spirit more intimately is: "Good Morning, Holy Spirit," by Benny Hinn. Benny had a deep experience with the Holy Spirit as a young man, and shares lots of stories, as well as much wisdom on the personality of the Spirit. An interesting read and an excellent resource on growing in intimacy with the Spirit of God.

REVELATION is THE LIGHT that will grow the GOD SEED in us. Jesus is the revelation of heaven (the Light of the world), sent to Earth to reveal the character of God. Just as Jesus revealed the Father to the people of His day, we absolutely NEED Him to continue to REVEAL to us God's ways and nature and truths. We need His REVELATION to open our eyes, shine His light in our understanding. (More on that in another post).
The GOOD SOIL is the LOVE of GOD. We need to be DEEPLY ROOTED IN GOD'S LOVE in order to LIVE OUT of our heavenly DNA (Ephesians 3:17). If a plant has poor soil, it will be spindly, yellowed, weak, and its life will be about existing, rather than flourishing. If we try to live the Christian life without being founded in God's love, we will have a powerless faith, because God IS love. Ephesians 3:17 is a good prayer for our hearts!
The WEEDING is the process of dealing with the OLD HABITS and WOUNDS of our SOUL. We ARE God's new creation (2 Cor. 5:17), but there are often weeds in our hearts and minds which are the HURTS we've experienced and the LIES we've believed about ourselves, or about God. Those hurts and lies will choke out growth of our TRUE DNA. In my own experience, I had about 50 lies that needed to be IDENTIFIED and SET ASIDE. And then I needed to sit with God and let Him reveal HIS TRUTHS to replace the lies. Often we need other believers to help us heal and walk through this process. Don't be afraid to reach out to wise and healthy saints (and/or Spirit-filled counselors) for help.

planted several rows of seeds in my garden. And unfortunately, I've had some little varmints
digging around, destroying some of the newly planted carrot and beet seeds, as well as plucking out an onion seed or two.
The enemy of our souls is like a pesky varmint, only worse. He's not at all innocent, like those critters in my garden. The DEVIL'S aim is to PREVENT US from LIVING from our TRUE DNA. It's important to chase out the demonic beings from our lives and then erect a fence to keep the enemy out.
In modern times we can tend to forget (or doubt) that demons exist. But since the time of Jesus, when he cast out demons as part of His ministry, demons have been actively seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).
If you sense you're being harassed by the enemy of your soul, let someone in the body of Christ help you. The church has been growing in wisdom in this area, and there are many Godly ministries out there to help. We usually need the help of others to find our way through in this area. Two good ministries are Sozo and Restoring The Foundations.
A few other thoughts about LIVING FROM our TRUE DNA: - We need each other. We are told by the writer of the book of Hebrews to encourage one another daily (Heb. 3:13). We are ONE part of an entire BODY, and God was intentional about that. Learning to trust other believers and to be transparent is part of normal Christianity. Being a trustworthy believer so others know we're safe and approachable is also part of normal Christianity.
- The Bible is what God has to say...so paying attention to Scriptures will FEED OUR SEED! If the Word is boring to you, or hard to understand, there are many creative ways to a FRESH APPROACH to the Bible. (but that's for another post, too). Try Colossians 1-3, or the book of Ephesians for starters. They speak much about our NEW DNA, and who we are in Jesus.
Grace to you, child of God, seed of God!
You are deeply loved!
This post is the author's understanding and opinion. It is not intended to counsel in any way. Please talk to a Christian counselor, pastoral leader, or another wise saint if you desire counseling.